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Omnichannel communication solutions
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What is direct marketing? Types, strategies and effective tools
Table of Contents What is direct marketing and why is it important for companies? What is direct marketing in a business context? Types of direct marketing Effective direct marketing strategies and actions for businesses Direct marketing tools to maximize business results The 5 benefits of direct marketing campaigns Frequently Asked Questions Capturing the attention of [...]Digital onboarding: The new era of digital transformation
Table of Contents What is digital onboarding and how does it work? Digital Onboarding in Human Resources: A Paradigm Shift Examples of digital onboarding in companies Best practices and tools for the digital management of onboarding Creation of a successful digital onboarding plan Digital Onboarding: what advantages does it offer over traditional onboarding? When the [...]What happens if I receive a burofax from the court: Consequences and how to act
Table of Contents Understanding the burofax from the court Legal characteristics of the burofax Reasons for receiving a burofax from the court Legal repercussions of ignoring a court bureaufax What to do when you receive a burofax from the court Possible consequences of not responding to the burofax Importance of timely legal advice Recommended procedures [...]The burofax as legal evidence: Everything you need to know
Table of Contents Functionality of the bureaufax in the legal field Advantages of using the bureaufax as a means of communication The most common use cases of bureaufaxes Electronic solutions and digital transformation of the bureaufax Conclusion The bureaufax is a means of communication used in legal situations. Its probative value makes it an important [...]How to write a burofax to claim a debt effectively
Table of Contents Why use a burofax to claim debts? Essential elements of a bureaufax Steps for writing an effective bureaufax Forms and templates to claim debts Advice from claims professionals FAQ: Frequently asked questions about the burofax to claim debts Conclusion The burofax is an effective tool to claim debts in a formal and [...]The Madrid City Council’s IT department chooses MailTecK for one of its postal communications services.
The local administration awarded us the contract mainly because of the qualitative aspects of our proposal, summarized in concepts such as quality, continuity, security, privacy, sustainability and our state-of-the-art equipment.Choose savings, security and user experience with our document digitalization
Digitization and digital document management facilitates the day-to-day running of your business and that of your employees, customers and suppliers. In addition, it provides you with significant cost savings and security by storing invoices, contracts, statements and other documents in a secure environment, with all the legal guarantees.We help you comply with the Crea y Crece Law, which obliges you to use electronic invoicing.
Electronic invoicing will soon be mandatory for companies and freelancers, just as it is now for transactions with public administrations. The change is accompanied by an aid program for digital transformation. And it offers a number of important benefits for companies, in addition to a series of obligations. At MailTecK & Customer Comms, as a technology partner, we can accompany you in the process. Find, in this article, all the keys.Our participation in FACe allows us to manage your company’s electronic invoices with the Administration.
In this post you will learn about the great benefits of working with a partner that is part of the list of FACe electronic invoicing service providers (general point of entry of invoices of the General State Administration), as well as the advantages offered by our e-Invoicing solution to carry out transactions with the Administration.Success story. Digital transformation of omnichannel communications in the insurance sector.
SUCCESS CASE Company Insurance company of the s. XXI with almost 2 million customers in Spain and around 2.5 million policies. The company, with more than 1,000 employees in Spain, has been committed in recent years to digital transformation applied to both customers and its workforce. Although it offers a wide range of products, it [...]Why should your company use our CCM platform in the cloud (SaaS)?
Table of Contents What do we mean by SaaS (Software as a Service)? What are we talking about when we refer to an MCC? Quadient, our partner in CCM technology Quadient Inspire Evolve 1. What do we mean by SaaS(Software as a Service)? In recent years we have seen more and more technology companies marketing [...]QR2DIGITAL, the QR code as a transition from physical to digital
Half of all smartphone owners have at one time or another scanned a QR code. And 1 in 5 times, that scan has ended in a purchase. We tell you about the possibilities offered by this solution for a transition from physical to digital and how we can accompany you through our QR2DIGITAL service.With you and Unicef, this Christmas we “unite the world a little bit more”.
This holiday season, as every year for the past six years, we will contribute with our budget for Christmas gifts to improve the quality of life of children in vulnerable situations. The 2021 collaboration will be carried out with Unicef and with our customers in order to "unite the world a little more", as a common desire.Our international expansion takes us to Portugal
Customer Comms has identified Portugal as one of its strategic markets. Following a series of successful experiences in the Portuguese market during 2021, the company has drawn up a roadmap to develop a complete line of activity in the country.Will you join us in the Future of Insurance space at IDC Portugal’s Digital Innovation Connection?
Digital transformation through omnichannel communications has been an unstoppable process for some time, but as all companies and individuals have experienced, Covid-19 has acted as the ultimate accelerator.Te acompañamos en el camino de la transformación digital