Customized videos

The most effective communication channel

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“One minute of video has the same value, as a marketing tool, as 1,800,000 words.” This statement by Dr. James McQuivey (Forrester Research) will be more easily fulfilled if the video is of high quality and created with tools that facilitate personalization and interaction.

Our interactive videos take communication with your customers to a new level where you will capture their interest and multiply conversion. In addition, our experience makes it a particularly suitable format for touch points such as welcome packs, renewal notices, invoicing, annual service summaries, membership recruitment and quotations, among others.

The interactivity of the videos also allows a wide variety of actions to be integrated into them, such as surveys, links to landing pages, response channels, acceptance of conditions… And they can also be combined with electronic signature processes for recruitment or onboarding solutions.

You are interested if you are looking for:

  • Combine video and data into unique communication experiences.
  • Integrate response channels and automatically dump data.
  • Measure responses in real time and continuously improve processes.
  • Integrate interactive videos into the rest of the company’s channels.
  • Work in conjunction with our Communicalia platform for creating, sending and analyzing interactions in omnichannel communications.
  • Improve your databases in collaboration with Customer Comms Data Quality.

Benefits of our customized videos:

Improve your customer’s experience in communications with your company.

It is similar to the relational experience with a salesperson.

Enables online and offline measurement of customer interaction.

They are easily integrated into your company’s end-to-end services.

Obtain the highest ROI of omnichannel communication channels.

Do you want to incorporate personalized videos into your marketing actions?

Talk to a specialist