Send a burofax online with full legal validity, easy and fast.

Send a burofax online

Mandar burofax online con validez legal

Send a burofax online in a fast and secure way.

Sending a bureaufax by email with MailComms Group guarantees you the collection of proof of sending, delivery and content, along with detailed tracking of production, distribution and delivery.

Discover our online burofax service

An innovative solution for your legal communications needs. Through our platform you will be able to send burofax online quickly and securely from the comfort of your computer, guaranteeing legal validity and saving time and costs.

Send a burofax by Internet with evidence of mailing, delivery and content.

Sending burofax online is the most reliable way for companies to send notifications from the computer with postal reception, without the need to touch a piece of paper.

Our electronic bureaufax is a communication with legal value that includes the collection of evidence of sending, delivery and content and with which you can also track the production, distribution and delivery, which means considerable cost savings.

You will also be able to send certified notifications by email and even combine them with the SMS channel in case you do not receive an answer. In other words, you will be able to choose the channel for sending your reliable communication according to its effectiveness and your objectives.

Send burofax online for companies

Legal assurance from a qualified and trusted service provider

The sending of digital bureaufax and its postal delivery has evidentiary value in court backed by Law 39/2015 (art. 42.2) of the Public Administrations and Law 43/2010 of the Universal Postal Service (art. 22.4). Your certificate of delivery is not challenged as evidence of reliable communication.

In addition, Correos is our partner in delivery management. This adds legal reinforcement due to its recognition as a universal postal operator, since it reaches the entire national and international territory with guarantees.

Success stories in digital trustworthy communications

Thanks to the use of MailComms online Burofax, distributed by Correos, we increased by 35% the success rate in the delivery of reliable debt claims from a financial services company.

With our solution you can increase the success rate in the delivery of your reliable claims. How do we do it?

Contact a specialist

Characteristics of the electronic bureaufax

Postal Burofax - CustomerComms

Online management.

Send burofax online with full traceability of the shipment and certification of the content, as well as proof of delivery and certificates.

Postal Burofax - CustomerComms

Different benefits.

Depending on the client’s needs, we have different types: advanced bureaufax, premium online bureaufax, secured bureaufax and international online bureaufax.

Postal Burofax - CustomerComms

Highest percentage of delivery.

Thanks to proactive management, shipment tracking and free reshipments in case of trace loss.

Postal Burofax - CustomerComms

Custody of evidence and documents.

We store evidence with the highest security standards for as long as the client requires or as required by law.

Maximum security and privacy of information.

Thanks to our ISO 27001 and 27701 certifications, with the guarantee of a qualified and trusted eIDAS e-services provider.

Postal Burofax - CustomerComms

Maximum validity in legal proceedings.

Law 39/2015 (art. 42.2) on Public Administrations and Law 43/2010 on Universal Postal Service (art. 22.4).

You are interested in our service to send a burofax online if…

  • You send digital burofaxes for payment requirements.
  • You communicate rate changes.
  • You manage service cancellations or contract terminations.
  • You need to send legal notices and ensure their receipt and deadlines.
  • Communicates power outage warnings.
  • You make reliable debt claims.
  • You respond to customer complaints.
  • Human Resources makes reliable notifications to employees.

1. Receipt of information.
PostaMail and Certysign platforms.
API Rest integration.
Connectors such as Salesforce.

2. Printing and enveloping.
In mechanized processes at Mailteck and CustomerComms facilities, with maximum security guarantees.

3. Distribution with couriers.
First delivery attempt between 24 hours and 72 hours depending on the product category.

4. Double delivery attempt to addressee.
Two delivery attempts are made to the addressee. If this is not possible, the letter carrier will leave a “notice of arrival” after which the communication will be available for 15 calendar days at the corresponding post office.

5. Delivery at the indicated address.
Identification of the recipient by means of ID card, handwritten signature on the letter carrier’s PDA and electronic proof of delivery from Correos.

6. Failure to deliver.
If the recipient does not pick up the shipment, it is returned to Mailteck & CustomerComms for controlled destruction.

Sending a burofax online: how does our service work?

When you choose us to send an online bureaufax, MailTecK & CustomerComms takes care of receiving your notification, printing it and enveloping it in an environment of security and data privacy reinforced by our ISO 27001 and 27701 certifications. We also manage the delivery to the addressee through Correos, with two delivery attempts before its return. All this provides the maximum legal guarantee.

Send burofax online with MailComms Group

Send burofax online with MailComms Group

If you send a burofax online through our service, your company obtains greater security and delivery ratio and also saves time and costs.

Frequently Asked Questions


Does your company need to send a burofax over the Internet?

Contact a specialist