Guarantee the legal validity of your digital communications with our certified electronic notification service.

Certified electronic notification service

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servicio de notificación electrónica certificada

Certify your multichannel communications with our service of telematic notifications

A secure digital transformation process requires communications and transactions with legal value between companies, customers, institutions, suppliers and employees. And these communications and transactions acquire full legal guarantee when the system of certified electronic notifications is provided by a trusted electronic notification service provider such as us.

From a single electronic notification platform, CertySign, we offer solutions for reliable communications and transactions (physical and electronic), with probative value. As part of our integrated management of the multichannel communication process with customers, the CertySign electronic notifications and communications portal integrates different legal solutions such as the management of consents, electronic signatures, certified web publications or digital identifications within the legal environment defined by the eIDAS directive.

All this, through a secure telematic notification service with maximum legal reliability and security, via email, SMS, WhatsApp, web, app, audio and postal channel and electronic and notarial custody of content and evidence.

Do you want to know more about our electronic notification services?

We offer a wide range of electronic notification services designed to ensure the security, confidentiality and legal validity of your digital communications.

Our certified systems are designed to meet your digital communication needs in an efficient and reliable manner, and include functionalities such as consent management and electronic custody of content and evidence, among others.


Electronic notification mailbox: shall we move forward together in your digital transformation?

Talk to our specialists. Tell them what you need and they will offer you expert advice tailored to your objectives.

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Discover our innovative electronic notification system platforms, designed to offer you efficient and secure solutions for your digital communications.