
International electronic signature with maximum legal validity

One Span


An integrated and adaptable multinational e-signature solution is the key to any digital transformation process today.

An integrated and adaptable multinational e-signature solution is the key to any digital transformation process today.

OneSpanSign is a simple, advanced or qualified electronic signature of international scope capable of sealing, in a fast and economical way, the acceptance of an agreement or a commercial or financial transaction. Its uses, which are very varied, all result in cost savings, improved user experience and progress towards a strategy of paper reduction and greater security, not only in legal terms but also in terms of minimizing possible errors.

At Customer Comms we offer you a tool capable of integrating any type of electronic signature in collaboration with our partner
with a worldwide recognized trajectory.

Our solution has been designed to manage, from start to finish, the electronic signature processes that your company implements in the registration of new customers, contract renewals, changes of conditions… always in multichannel environments and through various devices. In addition, this tool also significantly facilitates in companies, for example, the relations of the Human Resources departments with employees or the Purchasing departments with their suppliers.


Multi-document and Multi-signer

Multi-document and multi-signatory support in the same process.


Easy and fast integration into corporate systems.

SaaS Service

No installation required. Software as a Service with access from web browser.


With the most widely used international languages.

You are interested if…

  • You are looking for immediacy in the signing of documents.
  • You want to integrate a simple and inexpensive tool that is also fully customizable in terms of design and text.
  • You need to automate signature processes, with full legal reliability and electronic custody of documents and evidence.
  • Your digital transformation strategy involves offering the customer all the possibilities to sign documents, on any device, channel, time or place.
  • You want to implement a cost saving strategy associated with the elimination of paper.
  • You are looking to offer new experiences in the management of contracts, renewals and reliable communications with customers, suppliers and employees.

We integrate the electronic signature in your multichannel contracting processes with full legal validity.

Talk to a specialist