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“We are a disruptive, hybrid agency with very strong strategic, technological and branding expertise.”
Patricia Gordo, Director of Agency Services at MailTecK & Customer Comms He and his team are responsible for the strategy, planning, design, development and production of customized marketing, legal and transactional communications for MailComms Group clients. Patricia has worked as a strategic consultant and executive creative director for major national and international communication, advertising and [...]MailTecK & Customer Comms collaborates with Red Cross to guarantee the right to play for minors
The company launches an action whereby it will donate a non-warlike and non-sexist toy for each digital game completed by its customers and collaborators MailTecK & Customer Comms is allocating its Christmas gift budget to a Red Cross campaign that aims to ensure that children who are excluded or at risk of exclusion receive new [...]Axpo Iberia relies on MailComms Group to automate its gas contracts through e-signatures
Axpo Iberia, subsidiary for Spain and Portugal of the Swiss energy group Axpo, has taken a further step in its digital transformation strategy by implementing the electronic signature in gas contracting processes. MailTecK & Customer Comms has worked with the energy company to implement an advanced electronic signature in this area. With the help of MailComms Group, Axpo has designed a simple process that allows the customer to access the document or contract, review it and sign it quickly and from any mobile device.MailTecK & Customer Comms will participate in the next edition of Insurance Revolution, which will take place on November 28th in Madrid.
Insurance Revolution - MailTecK & CustomerComms Group, a trusted service provider and OneSpan Sign partner, will offer its legal communications and transaction services including electronic signature processes. - The group is one of the sponsors of Insurance Revolution, the event of reference for the insurance sector. Next November 28th, MailTecK & Customer Comms will participate [...]MAPFRE Spain relies on MailTecK & Customer Comms for the management of its customers’ consents adapted to the RGPD
"Data is the oil of the 21st century." That was one of the phrases with which Rosa María Lago, DPO of MAPFRE Spain, recalled the importance of carrying out the management of client consents in the correct way. Rosa María highlighted in her presentation, as part of a MailComms Group conference during the last Insurance Week, two key points in the adaptation of companies to the GDPR: taking care of customers by respecting their wishes beyond compliance and always having evidence of the data transfer processes.MailComms demonstrates at Insurance Week 2019 the advantages of uniting technology and compliance
MailTecK & Customer Comms participated once again in Insurance Week on February 19, 20 and 21 to present its new solutions for communications and compliance transactions to companies in the insurance sector.MailTecK & Customer Comms to present its solutions for insurance company communications and transaction compliance at Insurance Week
MailTecK & Customer Comms will once again participate in this year's Insurance Week on February 19, 20 and 21 in Madrid. Organized by INESE at IFEMA, the event has positioned itself in recent years as a benchmark meeting place for the insurance industry in Spain. During three days, analysis forums and sessions will be held [...]Marc Ginestá: “The success of personalization lies in giving value to the customer, not in having more or less segmented fields”.
We talked to Marc Ginestá about personalized communications. With more than 17 years of experience working in digital environments in the sales and customer area, the Director of Sales Northeast Zone at Customer CommsThe company is committed to improving the customer experience, converting data into knowledge and automating certain processes to improve the results of [...]“PostaMail’s bureaufax is designed to increase user productivity as much as possible.”
We spoke with Iñaki Gómez-Echevarría, Sales Director of PostaMail, to learn about the advantages of this solution, a more efficient and more economical way to ensure the legal validity of the issuance of bureaufaxes.“We look for the best channel to reach each customer.”
Enric Aranda León has joined the MailTecK & Customer Comms group as Head of Legal Communications Development in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia. Aranda is a Technical Architect from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. With more than 20 years of experience in sales, he has worked in the commercial department of companies such as [...]“The new generations are going to sign everything on electronic media.”
Raquel García Jabardo joins the MailTecK & Customer Comms group as Sales Manager for Certified Communications and Electronic Signatures. Raquel has worked for companies such as or Quirónprevención leading sales and commercial departments. With a degree in Law, Raquel has a great knowledge of the legal area of legal communications and, more specifically, in [...]Bilbao hosts a conference on the new RGPD by MailTecK & Customer Comms
On March 21, MailTecK & Customer Comms organized a conference in Bilbao on compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which was a great success. The event aimed to inform organizations about this legislative change, as well as to help them incorporate effective communication tools to obtain explicit consent from their customers. During [...]On March 14 we will be in Barcelona with our conference on practical solutions for GDPR compliance.
We will be accompanied by great professionals from the legal sector, such as Iñaki Uriarte, from Adigital and Carlos Rodríguez, from the ECIX group. We will demonstrate practical solutions for obtaining and managing explicit customer consent through multichannel communication processes. MailTecK & Customer Comms is organizing a new conference on "practical solutions for compliance with [...]Our conference on practical solutions for GDPR compliance will take place on March 21st in Bilbao.
Iñaki Uriarte, will frame the scope of application of the new European regulation on data protection. We will teach MailConsent, as a multichannel communication solution, aimed at obtaining and managing explicit customer consent. The conference on "practical solutions for GDPR compliance", organized by the MailTecK & Customer Comms group, will focus on the implementation by [...]MailTecK & Customer Comms expands our services to customers in Barcelona from a new office in Balmes street.
We changed the location of our delegation in Barcelona in order to expand our customer services, offering greater commercial and technical proximity. From now on you can find us at Calle Balmes number 200, floor 6, door 4. The new office is located in one of the most important business areas of Barcelona, where the [...]Te acompañamos en el camino de la transformación digital