The eIDAS 2 era is here. The final text is expected to be published in a little over a month and approximately 6 months later the member states will have to comply with the new requirements. But what is new compared to the original eIDAS? Here we explain them to you.

A decade in the digital world is a long time. And in 2024, the European eIDAS regulation will be 10 years old. At the time of its approval, this regulation represented a paradigm shift in digital identification and electronic signatures, and in general in electronic commerce and services, in all EU countries. But since 2014 the digital society has advanced and the regulation needs to change with it. This evolution is about to arrive and will be called eIDAS 2.

As a brief review, regulation 910/2014 (eIDAS) came to establish the legal boundaries for data identification and electronic signature within the European Union. Since its application start date, July 1, 2016, the text has facilitated digital interactions between businesses, citizens and EU administrations thanks to the creation of valid standards for user identification and authentication in all member states.

Main novelties

eIDAS 2 is an updated version of the original regulation. which aims to address some shortcomings of its predecessor, which is still in force, and introduce new concepts. In summary, this regulatory development aims to create a more fluid and secure digital environment in electronic interactions within a state or between subjects from several EU countries. This text will help reduce the risk of fraud and identity theft and, at the same time, make it easier for individuals and businesses to access online services and conduct reliable transactions.

The regulation, which will apply to electronic identification systems notified by the Member States and to trust service providers established in the Union, will also include which will include more types of trusted e-services such as electronic registered delivery, electronic certificates, authentication and electronic seals for electronic documents.

EU Digital ID Wallet

The eIDAS 2 regulation also offers the novelty of the EU Digital ID Wallet to securely store documents and personal information on devices such as a cell phone. Possibilities range from an ID card or driver’s license to medical records, prescriptions, bank cards or even university degrees. This new feature will greatly speed up actions such as opening a bank account, formalizing a registration or applying for a scholarship throughout the EU. And its use can be online and offline so that each individual can identify himself/herself in person. In signature processes, it will be considered a qualified electronic signature.

Trusted electronic service provider

The standard maintains the figure of trusted service provider (formerly known as trusted third party), approved by an accredited body in each member state. This figure, in which we are recognized in MailComms Group, is a natural or legal person who guarantees the technical, organizational and legal measures that give the maximum legal value to the use of the digital certificate and electronic signature. That is, it has the capacity to act as a “digital notary”.


The final text is expected to be published this March. And once this has happened, the European digital identity framework will enter into force 20 days after its publication in the official gazette. From that moment on, the countries that are part of the European Union will have 6 months to implement or complete the technical and organizational requirements for qualified electronic trust services. And then the era of eIDAS 2 would begin, a standard that influences our day-to-day lives in a big way.

Soraya de Caso

Manager Consultoría Legal de Negocio.

Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad de Valladolid. Esta especializada en protección de datos y seguridad de la información tanto en el sector publico como en el sector privado como Compliance Officer & Data Protection Officer. Posee la certificación Lead Auditor ISO/IEC 27001 y numerosas formaciones en materia de seguridad y privacidad.-