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Omnichannel communication solutions
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Digital transformation in the age of the customer
Conclusions of the study conducted by Forrester to evaluate the digital transformation process in companies: Customer experience is the vital aspect of digital transformation. Companies are on the road to digital transformation, but they still have a long way to go. External solution providers fill the gaps and control the momentum towards digital transformation. DOWNLOAD [...]Capgemini and EFMA Global Commercial Banking Report 2016.
With FinTechs gaining ground, banks are looking to play an essential role in today's evolving digital ecosystems to remain relevant in delivering a better customer experience. The 2016 World Retail Banking Report, from Capgemini and EFMA , explores the global customer experience , the disruption and impact of FinTechs , and how customers perceive banks.GMC. Insurance. Delivering multichannel communications without replacing legacy systems.
White paper from our partner GMC that conveys the ease of implementing GMC Inspire in multichannel customer communication processes without the need to replace legacy systems. Although there has been much talk about restructuring the data and communications outputs of legacy systems to provide modern customer communications management (CCM), the approach to the solution has [...]Deloitte. Insurance disruption. Digital services.
Commentary to the Deloitte Report on the disruptive digital technologies that are affecting the Insurance sector. Many in the insurance industry agree that digital technology threatens the sector. The perception is that new entrants in the sector, with new business models supported by digital technologies, can capture a large part of the value chain. The [...]BBVA. Innovation Center. Customer experience and omnichannel in financial services.
Interesting article on omnicality in financial services companies reinforcing the need to combine physical and digital channels at the customer's will. Even though it was published in 2013, it is still relevant today. The era of omnichannel banking is already here For financial services companies, the omni-channel challenge lies in finding the right mix of [...]Multichannel as part of information management in the Spanish insurance sector. Implications for the ICT department.
The IDC whitepaper, obtained after a debate with representative companies in the sector, deals with multichannel and information management in the Spanish insurance sector. After presenting the particular casuistry of the insurance sector with respect to customer information management processes, the article defines the priorities of the business and ICT departments in the short and [...]Capgemini and EFMA Global Insurance Report 2015.
With data collected from more than 15,500 customers worldwide and 165 surveys of insurance executives, Capgemini and EFMA's 2015 World Insurance Report analyzes the advent of industry-altering situations along with a alarming decline in positive customer experience. The report suggests that insurers need to focus more seriously on preparing for the future. The main conclusions [...]Te acompañamos en el camino de la transformación digital