Digital inclusion
At a point where technology (devices, broadband, applications…) has reached a good degree of democratization, we find that one of the great challenges of our time is digital inclusion. The trend of remote contracting via the web had been advancing for years until the pandemic and its restrictions triggered it completely. It was such a sudden phenomenon that some population groups were left behind or felt abandoned. The digital train was running and they couldn’t get on board.
But there are many ways to build digital. As we mentioned in a recent article on insurance for the elderly, any technological solution will be suitable for people at risk of digital exclusion if it overcomes the barriers they fear: access, installation, knowledge, design and trust. In many cases it is a matter of designing a user experience designed precisely for the user (this is not always the case), whatever their age or level of education, for example.
2. Human insurance
This is especially important in processes that could be complex and whose use has become widespread to the point of displacing or eliminating the traditional ones. At MailComms Group we offer tools for electronic signature and digital customer identification and verification, to name just three of these processes, in which usability is at the same level as technical reliability and guaranteed regulatory compliance. These and other solutions, developed by us or our trusted partners, take the concept of human insurance to a new level when applied to the insurance industry.
3. Hybrid “human-digital” encounters
In the same vein, Virtual Signature Room is one of the applications in our portfolio with the greatest potential for digital inclusion. Virtual Signature Room is a space for “person-digital” meetings, ideal for online contracts in which signatories require real-time advice. A person who is going to sign a mortgage, for example, a professional who accompanies him, the bank representative, the seller and his trusted expert, as well as the necessary documents and the electronic signature processes that have to be launched, can meet at the same virtual time and place. The aim is to generate trust in each of the participants, both in terms of the content of what is signed and the manner in which it is signed. Zero barriers.
The spirit of facilitating the relationship between people, with technology as a bridge, is what led us to include the DNI Wallet by Secuware app among our services. This application allows any user to integrate their ID card, and other identity documents, in their cell phone with all the security guarantees. And the process is very simple: the cell phone reads the document thanks to its NFC technology, which is the same technology that makes contactless payments possible, and stores it in seconds. From here, the owner of the phone can use it in cases as varied as making immediate check-ins at hotels, accessing events, quickly contracting new products and services, and entering restricted facilities, among others. All that is needed is a smartphone and basic technological knowledge.
4. Phygital philosophy
And if we talk about channels and media, phygital is a concept in which we are at ease. At MailComms we are leaders in personalized omnichannel communication. The word omnichannel includes physical channels. We believe in them, in their strength and usefulness and, above all, that there are people who still prefer them. That’s why we take care to integrate them with the digital ones in a fluid and natural way. We leave no one out. Does a person want to initiate their policy renewal via paper? The insurance company that manages it will have an ally in us. And the customer an opportunity. You will be able to complete the itinerary on paper or digitally because we will offer it to you, we insist, in an integrated way, so that you can choose freely. Again, human insurance.
5. Usability for end customers and professionals
However, usability is not always aimed at the customer. We like to think that we make life easier for the professionals of the companies we work with. And there is also a digital inclusion point there. Our platforms and tools are easy to use. For example, no advanced technological knowledge is required to prepare, launch and measure an omnichannel communication campaign through Communicalia, in SaaS (Software as a Service with web access). It is even easier to send mailings, mass or not, through PostaMail. It works almost like a virtual printer with clear and simple options. Even if we are talking about sending, tracing and managing multichannel communications with legal evidentiary value, or launching signature processes with custom identification, our platform
platform simplifies these processes for the user and streamlines their follow-up.
At MailComms, one of our values (and efforts) is to facilitate the work of the companies that work with us and their employees. And also to ensure that your customers have engaging and appropriate user experiences. Many times this does not mean effects or advanced designs, but getting from A to B (from the first impact to hiring, for example), in a straight line, quickly, without doubts and with the feeling that the company takes care of this relationship. This is also inclusion.