eFORMA, the international alliance of communication service providers to which MailTecK and CustomerComms belong, has honored our CertySign platform with an award in the category Application of the Year 2022. The award was presented during the alliance's 60th anniversary commemoration event in Antwerp, Belgium. The network, to which we belong as specialists in digital transition through multichannel communications, recognizes with this award our ability to innovate within the sector.

As an international network, eFORMA is made up of companies from Europe, America, Africa and Australia that specialize in providing services for companies’ business communications with their customers. The members of the alliance share know-how and customer and market knowledge, as well as collaborate in the development of projects and new products. At MailTecK and Customer Comms we actively participate with our technological expertise and our ability to provide legal assurance and regulatory compliance to our platforms in an international market.

CertySign is an example of cutting-edge technology combined in a natural way with legal reliability and regulatory compliance. Our accreditation as a qualified trusted electronic service provider in the certified electronic delivery modality by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation is a good example of this integration between technology and legal reliability.

This qualification, described in the eIDAS regulation, makes us the “digital notary” of our customers and the communications they send through our systems. Accreditation means that our systems, processes and procedures have passed a rigorous security audit. On the other hand, and more importantly, all data submitted through our platforms will be admitted as evidence in court, even if they are in electronic format.

CertySign benefits from this qualification granted by the ministry. The platform, designed as an end-to-end solution, certifies the communications that companies send to their customers, suppliers and employees and provides them with maximum legal validity. It is a key tool on the road to digital transition and fully aligned with the specifications set out in the eIDAS regulation and the GDPR. Its modules offer solutions for user identification and authentication, electronic signature and reliable communications with certification and custody of evidence in a secure environment.