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Omnichannel communication solutions
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Design your Customer Journey Map with this infographic
Customer Journey Map. Turn your customer's experience into a bestseller. Design your Customer Journey Map from these 7 points to write the story of your product or service.The future of GDPR: privacy design
As we come to the end of our long journey through the world of data protection, we have one final aspect to consider: privacy by design. The legislation wants all data controllers to take the right to privacy into account when planning future personal data processing operations. Thus, the creators of the GDPR assume that [...]Responsibility under the GDPR
Now that we have covered all the essentials about GDPR, there are still some issues that need to be considered on a more global level. One of them is the responsibility of processors and controllers. All persons processing personal data must comply with the requirements set out in the GDPR, and must also be able [...]Customer Journey Map, design a positive experience for your customers
Is our customer satisfied? You were delighted after buying our product, but when you consumed it, you saw something you didn't like? Remember that the Customer Experience must be the most important part of our marketing strategy. A dissatisfied customer will leave negative comments on their social networks, however a good experience can turn our [...]RGPD. The 10 most frequently asked questions for compliance answered by GARTNERG
Can we help you? "On May 25, less than 50% of organizations affected by the GDPR will be fully compliant." As we know, that will be the day on which this new EU data protection regulation comes into force, which, among its many new features, provides for more punishable cases and higher fines. "Before 2020 [...]RGPD. Quadient® Privacy Compliance
Respond quickly to GDPR data requests by delivering an exceptional customer experience. Quadient's integrated technology suite helps organizations in their challenge to stay ahead of the competition while safeguarding their privacy compliance. The flexible combination of data management and customer communications management technology enables organizations to take control of sensitive private data in a highly [...]EIDAS and E-Signature: a legal perspective
Electronic signatures in the European Union This work is a collaboration between Lorna Brazell of Osborne Clarke LLP and VASCO's eSignLive. In the first part, Osborne Clarke provides an opinion on the legal validity of electronic signatures in the European Union. The second part has been prepared by eSignLive and outlines best practice recommendations for [...]Convergence between Customer Communications Management (CCM) and Customer Experience Management (CXM)
Bringing communication into the 21st century in line with your customer. When it comes to customer experience (CX) strategy, customer communications are often one of the most overlooked components of the customer journey. In many cases, the CX strategy tends to focus on front office communications, training employees on a regular basis on how best [...]The new European regulation makes it mandatory to obtain explicit consent for the processing of personal data.
European regulation 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR) which came into force on May 25, 2016 and will be of. obligatory as of May 25, 2018.The company is obliged to obtain explicit consent for the processing of personal data of its customers. The new regulation represents a turning point for companies that process personal [...]Why an omnichannel experience satisfies the customer and your business
A random consumer receives the promised email to sign up for a health insurance policy. He studies the offer and is satisfied with it, so he decides to accept. He immediately begins to fill out the form that the bank has sent him to collect more or less complex data, but in the middle of [...]Redefining the customer journey for a digital world. Customer and company perspective
Today's customer is at the center of every business transaction and keeping the customer engaged has never been more vital than it is now in a digital world. A new customer initiates a relationship in the The customer is in the recommendation or recognition stage and goes through a cycle of defining a need, researching [...]Integration of digital and traditional channels: a truly omnichannel customer experience
Across all industries, companies are looking for ways to adapt to the digital world with a fully tailored product offering and specifically designed work processes. These companies know that launching digital channels requires great efforts and that sometimes the benefits disappoint. However, although the integration of digital and traditional channels in an omnichannel experience is [...]New CNMV regulations. Communications to unitholders of the Fund Managers.
The CNMV has tightened the regulations on the Periodic Public Information (PPI) that CCIs, including Fund Managers, must that CCIs, including fund managers, must send to investors and unitholders. The PPI should include, among other things, information on the market view and investments made, on voting rights policies and their exercise, and an explanation of [...]European eIDAS regulation, a paradigm shift in digital identification and electronic signatures
European Regulation No. 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS) represents a paradigm shift in digital identification and electronic signatures. Establishes the figure of the trusted service providers(a natural or legal person that provides one or more trust services, either as a qualified provider (complies with the [...]What is a customer journey?
A customer journey is a set of interactions that a customer has with the company to complete a task such as evaluating, registering, getting support or renewing a product or service. Looking back, Customer Journey Management is an omnichannel customer engagement strategy that takes an outside-in approach from the customer's perspective to improve the customer [...]Te acompañamos en el camino de la transformación digital