On February 21, we held a conference during Insurance Week 2024 and invited industry experts to discuss cybersecurity, regulation, operational innovation and the role of a qualified trusted e-service provider. In this post we tell you what was discussed and offer you the full recorded session and several short videos in pill format.

Crónica y video de Semana del Seguro 2024

If we think about what happened on the day we celebrated on February 21 during Insurance Week 2024, the first thing that comes to mind isThank you! To you, our professionals, who accompanied us and to the speakers who shared their experience and expertise with all of us for an hour and a half. Were you able to attend? It was not possible for you, but you would have liked it? For both refreshment and discovery, here is a summary of what happened and a form to access the full video of the meeting and the brief reflections shared by the speakers.

The name of the session described exactly what was to be discussed: ‘Insurance industry challenges: cybersecurity, regulation and operational innovation. The role of the qualified trust service provider’.. And we structured the session in three large blocks according to this title.

Javier Echebarría, CEO of MailComms Group, was in charge of welcoming the attendees and presenting the agenda. He also took the opportunity to stress the importance that tools such as DNI Wallet, which we offer at MailComms, will have in the future, with the arrival of eIDAS 2.

Cybersecurity, a priority concern in the Insurance Sector

Next, cybersecurity expert and MailComms collaborator Román Rodríguez spoke to us about the main trends in his area of expertise, applied to the insurance sector. He also reflected on DORA, the Digital Operational Resilience Act that forces companies in the financial industry to mature their risk control processes and include requirements related to cybersecurity. Precisely related to risks, Román made a 10-year projection of their typology and an estimate of the growth of cybercrimes in the future.

Román also reflected on the importance of the qualified e-service provider in the sector, which you can see in the video of the session.

Changing regulations in a hyper-regulated sector

Then it was the turn of Alonso Hurtado, partner at ECIJA, and Teresa Arandilla, commercial director of Legal Communications at MailTecK & Customer Comms, to offer its regulatory vision of the sector. They focused on eIDAS 2, which is very close, NIS2 and DORA..

The eIDAS2 regulation was discussed with regard to the dates foreseen for its entry into force and the new features it will present compared to its predecessor. One of them, highlighted by both speakers, will be the EU Digital ID Wallet, which will allow documents to be stored securely on devices such as cell phones.

The focus on Zero Trust also featured prominently in this part of the session, as well as concepts such as self-managed digital identity and due diligence when choosing technology providers for regulatory compliance.

In the landing on the day you can see two short videos in which Alonso reflects on the differences between a qualified and an unqualified service provider and certified communications via Whatsapp, verified by ECIJA.

Operational innovation

The last part of the day was led by Javier Santos, from Santalucía, Inmaculada César, from TIREA, and David Griñán, from MailComms Group, who discussed Operational Innovation. In this part of the meeting, technology was also very present as an ally to generate new business opportunities, automate processes and ensure regulatory compliance.


Inmaculada contributed TIREA’s experience “seeking common denominators for all insurance companies, streamlining processes and standardizing data and information to simplify the sector’s operations”, through important developments such as CIMA, in which MailComms Group is
approved as an electronic signature provider.
. The speaker also wanted to highlight the relevance of the EIAC standard created for the insurance industry.

Inmaculada shares, in one of the videos, the importance of CIMA for the insurance sector and the role that MailTeck & Customer Comms plays within its platform. Access this and the rest of the contents from the form at the bottom of the page.

Open Insurance

For his part, Javier Santos, in response to questions from David Griñán, explained the participation of Seguros Santalucía in the developments leading to real Open Insurance and how they have impacted on its daily operations.

He described how the your company’s experience in the implementation of a strategy of Open Insurance This is a real opportunity that, from his point of view, has two aspects: the exploration of each company according to its preferences and needs, and TIREA’s contribution in complementing what already exists and facilitating information exchange processes.

MailComms Group, 30 years growing at the service of the insurance industry

Javier Echebarría was in charge of closing the meeting. In his speech, the CEO of MailComms reviewed the main ideas that were shared and highlighted the value of the benefits that companies can gain from working with technology designed for regulatory compliance and with a supplier with 30 years of experience, a very specialized in the insurance sector and accredited as qualified provider of trustworthy services.

Want to see the full recording of the session and short videos of all the speakers?

We offer you everything in an exclusive page about our journey in the Insurance Week 2024, just fill in the form to access it. In addition, we invite you to contact us for further information on any of the issues that were discussed during the conference and their practical applications in your company.



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