Protect your customers' identity and transactions with our user authentication solution.

User Authentication System

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Sistema de autenticación de usuarios

Discover our authentication and access control solution

Authentication is “the electronic process that makes possible the electronic identification of a natural or legal person, or the origin and integrity of data in electronic format”. This is defined in Article 3.5 of the eIDAS Regulation.

After verifying your customer’s identity, it is necessary to enable secure access to platforms and systems for them to interact with them, while protecting their information, transactions and privacy. Authentication with guarantees further reinforces the security of your company and that of the legitimate customer. It thus plays a key role in preventing fraud.

Our user authentication tool uses several of these factors, combined according to the characteristics of each process:

  • Inherence (what is): something that is the user. It is a biometric factor impossible to forge like the face (facial recognition) or fingerprints.
  • Knowledge (what is known): something known only to the user, such as a PIN or password.
  • Possession (what one has): something that only the user possesses. For example, the phone to receive an OTP (One Time Password) or a security token.

Authentication in the access control process


User authentication and access control

Select one or more of the factors you want to use during the authentication process for secure access control to platforms, systems and private areas:

  • Password.
  • Security questions with pre-defined answers.
  • One-time password (OTP). The customer enters the code received by SMS or PUSH app notification to the cell phone or email.
  • Biometrics: the most secure form of authentication. Biometric data are very difficult to falsify.
  • Qualified electronic certificate.

In cases of multiple factor selection, the practitioner will have to prioritize which factor to apply first. Our tool and our technical team then builds the customized process.

Benefits of authentication in the user access control process

Possibility of including one or more user authentication factors.

Maximum protection for access to high security areas such as banks or institutions with sensitive documents or data.

We put the customer at the center. Providing you with a smooth, engaging and reliable user experience.

It offers great security over the management process that minimizes frictions and fraud risks.

Enables the optimization of security and reduction of costs related to fraudulent operations.

Our tool for the authentication of your customers is of interest to you for…

  • Protect your customers’ information and the integrity of your systems.
  • Minimize the risk of fraud.
  • To offer a reliable service in sectors where security is key for the customer.
  • Avoid reputational problems thanks to a robust and reliable system.

How does our authentication solution for people access control work?

We can structure uni or multifactor authentication processes, depending on the criticality of the process for which access is given. From our experience and knowledge we designed a user authentication flow that balances agility in the customer experience with security. The objective is to provide the service or system while minimizing frictions and risks.

Something the customer knows:

  • Password
  • Security question

Something the customer owns:

  • OTP via SMS or email
  • Coordinates card
  • Electronic certificate
  • Identity card

Something we are:

  • Facial biometrics
  • Voice biometrics
  • Fingerprints

Does your company need user authentication solutions?

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