The burofax is an effective tool to claim debts in a formal and documented manner. This means guarantees the delivery of the message and serves as proof in case of future legal actions. Writing a burofax requires following a clear and concise structure. It is essential to include all the necessary elements for the claim to be effective and comply with the established legal requirements.

Why use a burofax to claim debts?

The burofax has become a key tool for managing delinquency and ensuring compliance with outstanding payments. Its use provides a number of advantages that facilitate the dunning process.

Advantages of the burofax over other media

Sending a burofax offers multiple benefits compared to more traditional methods of communication. The main advantages are:

  • Documentary evidence: The bureaufax generates an acknowledgement of receipt that validates the content and date of sending, becoming a key element in future legal proceedings.
  • Message of seriousness: Using this method to claim debts conveys a sense of formality that may motivate the debtor to act quickly.
  • Speed: It is an almost immediate means of communication, which speeds up the collection process.
  • Formality: The official nature of the burofax may intimidate the debtor, increasing the likelihood that he will pay the outstanding debt.

Legal aspects of the burofax

The bureaufax has legal validity that gives it a special status compared to other forms of communication. This type of mailing is considered a legal document, which can be used as evidence in lawsuits or administrative proceedings. Thus, a burofax not only serves to communicate a claim, but also constitutes a support for subsequent legal actions if necessary.

Differences with other claims

There are different ways to claim a debt, such as phone calls or e-mails, but the burofax offers clear benefits over these options. The differences are as follows:

  • Formality: A burofax is perceived as a serious and formal document, unlike a simple e-mail, which can be easily ignored.
  • Proof of sending and receipt: Unlike a phone call, the burofax guarantees that the debtor has received the communication and is aware of the situation.
  • Legal impact: The ability to use the burofax as evidence in case of litigation makes it a safer option than other informal methods.

Essential elements of a bureaufax

The drafting of a bureaufax requires special attention to several key elements that guarantee its effectiveness and legal validity. The following are the fundamental components that must be included in this type of communication.

Identification of sender and recipient

Correct identification of the parties involved is essential. This should include:

  • Name and surname of the sender: It is important that the sender is properly identified, whether it is a natural person or a representation of an entity.
  • Name of the addressee: Likewise, the full name of the debtor must be specified, adding, if possible, the company name in the case of a company.
  • Address: Both the sender and the addressee must include their complete addresses, thus ensuring that the bureaufax reaches the correct location.

Detail of debt

The burofax should include a clear breakdown of the debt claimed, making it easier for the debtor to understand his obligation. To achieve this, the following may be considered:

Due date and invoice number

Including the invoice number makes it possible to identify the commercial transaction linked to the debt. Also, mentioning the due date is crucial, as it marks the time when payment should have been made.

Amount due

It is essential to specify the exact amount claimed. This amount must be precise and, if possible, in case there is interest, indicate whether it is applicable and provide a breakdown if necessary.

Warning of legal action

A critical part of the communication is the warning about possible legal action in case of non-payment. This should be clearly and formally stated. A reasonable deadline can be included, such as:

  • Indicate that if payment is not received within a certain period of time, the necessary legal actions will be taken.
  • Establish that failure to respond could result in additional costs to the debtor.

Steps for writing an effective bureaufax

Drafting a burofax requires attention and structure to ensure its effectiveness. Following certain steps helps to achieve clear and assertive communication with the debtor.

Use of clear and concise language

It is essential to use direct and accessible language when drafting the bureaufax. This ensures that the recipient understands the message without hindrance. To achieve this, consider the following suggestions:

  • Avoid confusing technical terms or legal jargon.
  • Use short sentences to facilitate reading.
  • Be specific in the relevant data, such as amounts and dates.

Organization of text content

The internal structure of the bureaufax must be logical and orderly. A well-organized content not only conveys the message better, but also gives an air of professionalism to the document. The following steps can be followed to structure the content:

  • Start with the identification of both the sender and the addressee.
  • Continue with a clear description of the reason for the complaint.
  • Specify the details of the debt, including due date and amount owed.
  • Include warnings of possible legal action if the debt is not paid within the established time period.

Tips to improve communication

To optimize communication via bureaufax, some practical tips can be applied:

  • Proofread the document before sending it, making sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors.
  • Use a professional format, with adequate margins and a legible font.
  • Be respectful in tone, but firm in complaint so that the legal implications are understood.

Steps to write a burofax

Forms and templates to claim debts

Having adequate models and templates is essential when formalizing a debt claim. These tools facilitate the drafting of the burofax, ensuring that all the necessary information is included in a clear and organized manner.

Sample sample letter of complaint

The following is a sample letter of complaint that can be adapted depending on each situation. This model includes the essential elements that must be present in any burofax:

  • Heading: Detail the sender and the addressee.
  • Subject: Clearly indicate that this is a debt claim.
  • Introduction: Brief description of the relationship between the parties and the nature of the debt.
  • Conclusion: Indicate the deadline for payment and the consequences if payment is not made.

Template of burofax for debt claim

A debt collection burofax template can be adapted to each specific case. The following is a basic structure:

  • Sender’s name and address.
  • Recipient’s name and address.
  • Subject: “Claim of debt”.
  • Date.
  • Cuerpo del mensaje:
    • Description of the debt with details such as the reason, due date and amount owed.
    • Warning of possible legal action if payment is not received within a specified period.
    • Invitation to direct communication to resolve any doubts.
  • Formal farewell and signature.

Adapt models to specific cases

It is essential to customize any model or template to the particular circumstances of the debt in question. In order to do so, factors such as:

  • The nature of the service or product that originated the debt.
  • Previous relationships between the parties involved.
  • The laws and regulations applicable according to the type of debtor, whether an individual or a legal entity.

This personalization will help make the message more effective and help resolve the situation more quickly.

Importance of acknowledgement of receipt

The acknowledgement of receipt is a fundamental element in the process of sending a bureaufax. This document provides proof of delivery and the content of the message. Its importance lies in:

  • Serve as a guarantee that the recipient has received the claim.
  • Strengthen the legal validity of the burofax in case subsequent legal action is required.
  • Provide peace of mind to the sender by having reliable proof that the message has been sent and received.

Therefore, having an acknowledgement of receipt can make all the difference in the debt collection process.

Advice from claims professionals

Having professional advice can make a big difference in the debt collection process. Below are recommendations that can help optimize this process.

Importance of having experienced lawyers

A specialist lawyer can provide clear insight into the legal implications of the claim. Their knowledge of the law can facilitate the drafting of the burofax and ensure that crucial details are not omitted. Among the advantages of having a lawyer are:

  • Advice on the steps to be taken in case the debt is not paid.
  • Knowledge of current regulations, avoiding errors that may affect the claim.
  • Ability to negotiate with the debtor, if necessary.

Legal remedies for out-of-court complaints

It is essential to distinguish between legal and extrajudicial avenues in the claims process. Legal channels usually involve court proceedings that can be longer and more costly. On the other hand, out-of-court claims are usually quicker and less contentious. Consideration should be given to:

  • The possibility of reaching an amicable agreement before taking legal action.
  • The additional costs that may result from a prolonged legal process.
  • The importance of documenting all claim attempts made before going to trial.

Common mistakes when writing a burofax

The drafting of a bureaufax may seem simple, but mistakes are made that can compromise its effectiveness. It is essential to avoid:

  • Ambiguous or unclear language, which may generate confusion.
  • Omitting important data, such as due dates or amounts owed.
  • Lack of a firm tone that conveys the seriousness of the matter.

A well-drafted burofax can be the key to recovering a debt without the need to take legal action, provided that the appropriate recommendations are followed.

Tips for writing burofaxes

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about the burofax to claim debts

The burofax is a useful tool to manage debt collection. Some of the most frequently asked questions regarding its use are answered below.

How to ensure effective communication?

To maximize the effectiveness of the bureaufax, some key recommendations should be followed:

  • Use clear and direct language, avoiding technical terms that may confuse the addressee.
  • Include all relevant details about the debt, such as the exact amount and maturity date.
  • Send the burofax to the correct address and make sure that the addressee receives it by means of an acknowledgement of receipt.
  • Establish a reasonable deadline for payment and clearly communicate possible legal action in case of non-payment.

What to do if the debtor does not respond?

If the debtor does not respond to the burofax sent, the following actions may be considered:

  • Wait for the deadline given for payment and, if payment is not made, send an additional reminder.
  • Consider contacting a lawyer to evaluate the legal options that can be taken.
  • Document all contact attempts made, as this could be useful for future legal action.

Legal aspects that the sender should be aware of

It is essential for the sender to be aware of various legal aspects related to the burofax and its use in debt claims:

  • The burofax has legal validity, which provides credibility in any subsequent legal proceedings.
  • It is important to ensure that the content of the burofax complies with the applicable regulations on complaints.
  • The response time and actions that can be taken vary according to local legislation, which requires attention to detail.


The burofax is a powerful tool for claiming debts in a formal and professional manner, providing a legal backing that can be useful in situations of non-payment. The key to an effective burofax lies in its clear wording, the inclusion of specific details and the use of an appropriate tone. By avoiding common mistakes and having a template that includes all the essential elements, you can maximize its effectiveness.

However, if the debt is significant or the situation is complex, using a lawyer can help you take the claim to the next level. Whether the debtor responds to the burofax or not, having a clear strategy and professional support is essential to protect your rights.

Would you like to try your own burofax or would you prefer to call in an expert?

Contact us and we will inform you about everything.


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