
Insurance company of the s. XXI with almost 2 million customers in Spain and around 2.5 million policies. The company, with more than 1,000 employees in Spain, has been committed in recent years to digital transformation applied to both customers and its workforce.

Although it offers a wide range of products, it stands out for its management of home, life and auto policies.

Caso de éxito. Transformación digital de las comunicaciones omnicanal en el sector asegurador
Caso de éxito. Transformación digital de las comunicaciones omnicanal en el sector asegurador


Implementing the strategy towards digital change in a context of triple necessity: the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic (and remote management), the technological development of the sector and the response to customers’ digital preferences.


Conversion and automation of paper communications to channels such as SMS and email. Design of recovery journeys for the treatment of failed contacts through new channels. Implementation of real-time traceability systems and certification of SMS and e-mails, as well as their content, with time stamps and total legal reliability. Redirection of customer relationships and channels towards a comprehensive, omnichannel, multi-device and highly interactive user experience .

Caso de éxito. Transformación digital de las comunicaciones omnicanal en el sector asegurador
Caso de éxito. Transformación digital de las comunicaciones omnicanal en el sector asegurador

Applications and tools

Customer Comms CCM(Customer Communications Management) applications. Communicalia, Certysign and Data Quality. Our self-developed technology, conceived from a Security by Design perspective, allows for rapid project implementation.


Some of the tangible results of this collaboration have been:

  • Integration of the paper channel into the different digital channels and taking advantage of the possibilities derived from this transformation.
  • More than 50% reduction in graphic production costs.
  • Improved time to market in the reception of transactional communications.
  • Savings of 2/3 in the budget for transactional communications.
  • Substantially improved understanding of customer interaction with communications, through analytics.
  • Intelligent recovery of failed communications through digital channels.

Do you want to apply this success story in your company?

Contact us if you think that any of the platforms and solutions involved in this digital transformation process could be useful for similar strategies in your company.


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