Comunicacion Marketing Sector Asegurador

Leading or being led in the 21st century? XXI? In an era of constant change this question takes on an essential meaning in any area of activity. Tomorrow, the most important players in the insurance sector will meet at the 7th Communication and Marketing Congress, organized by ICEA and in whose design and development MailTecK & Customer Comms collaborated. The objective is to elucidate the best strategies to offer customers and intermediaries the solutions they will demand from now on.

The meeting will be held tomorrow morning and afternoon, and on Thursday, only in morning session, at the Museo del Traje in Madrid. In all of them, the common thread will be the concept of Digital Transformation. Thus, the speakers and attendees at the congress, most of them Communication, Marketing and Sales Directors and Customer and Innovation Managers, will be able to sharing experiences and lines of development on new business models, presence in social networks and new trends in communication, among other topics.

Liderar o ser liderado en el s. XXI. ¿Nos vemos en el 7° Congreso de Comunicación y Marketing en el Sector Asegurador?