Insurance companies have been facing some common challenges for some time now. Among the main ones, two relate to the relationship with its customers. One of them focuses on the design of customized products and services based on a good analysis of the customer database. Another main goal is also customer acquisition and loyalty, which forces companies to focus on customer experience. Personalized digital communications are the key to overcoming the challenges described above once de-escalation from coronavirus confinement has begun.

ccm data-quality

For example, digital interaction with customers through personalized communications has increased exponentially with the closure of insurance company offices. Although it will be opened gradually and with limited capacity as we progress in the de-escalation process, interaction through different channels and devices is an imperative need for our customers.

In this sense, and driven by cost savings, companies are beginning to introduce in their communication strategy the reduction of printed media (what we call LessPaper Commitment). Although digitizing postal communications is not a true digital transformation without an omnichannel communication strategy based on a qualified database, it can be a first step.

When companies in the insurance sector decide to implement this communication strategy, usually based on a corporate digital transformation project, they encounter two obstacles :

  • On the one hand, the poor quality of the database, which prevents, to a large extent, opening the range of communication channels with clients due to the deficiencies or inaccuracies of most of the records.
  • On the other hand, computer systems that show great rigidity when implementing new digital communications developments.

The solution to these two brakes comes from the improvement of data (Data Quality) with the implementation of digital communications with high content of personalization (CCM) that have the least possible impact on legacy systems.


Turning data into strategic information for your business not only improves communication efficiency, but also represents considerable cost savings.

Our services of Data Quality are capable of standardizing, verifying the validity and legal compliance of dataas well as enrich cross-checking with external sources, not only at the level of the existing database, but also intervening in the capture process, applying rules that ensure the quality of the data from the moment it enters.

Each correct piece of data is a new opportunity to identify customer needs, open communication channels through multichannel strategies based on valuable information, and reinforce customer affinity by improving their experience based on their preferences and behavior throughout their customer journey. This, translated into figures and results, translates into sales growth, reduced operating costs and an improved corporate image.


Once the database has been standardized, the implementation of Customer Communications Management (CCM) and the
Customer Communications Management (CCM)
will truly represent the evolution of the digitization of multichannel communications with customers , overcoming the barriers imposed by legacy corporate IT systems that make it difficult to address omnichannel communication with customers.

Work with market leading CCM tools such as: Inspire by Quadient, Opentext ExStream y Docpathallows us to take customer communications to a new level, where messages are tailored to each customer’s preferences in terms of channels, devices and touch points in their customer journey.

These platforms allow integrate the design, management and delivery of personalized omnichannel communications in a single environment such as statements, letters, invoices, contracts, policies, notices and correspondence, creating an exceptional and personalized customer experience, especially when the customer’s documents are transformed into dynamic with the possibility of interaction with them by the customer. In this way we achieve a unique experience and improve the relationship of trust with customers.

The installation of these on-premise CCM platforms requires a large investment effort and a long start-up time, sometimes years. However integration of these platforms as a service (SaaS) with the customer communication processes in each company’s IT systems is relatively simple. simple and fast in projects lasting only a few months. In addition, its flexibility ensures total adaptability to any system, device and software used by the end customer.

In short, our Customer Communications Management (CCM) solutions in service mode can help you accelerate digital transformation processes based on appropriate, highly personalized omnichannel communication with customers, while facilitating collaboration between the different departments involved in their generation.

Do you want to know how we can accompany your company in a real digital transformation process?

Talk to us. We will tell you about the possibilities of Data Quality and Customer Communications Management and how they can be integrated, in a short time and with a contained investment, into your company's systems. Contact the head of our business development department.


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