The burofax is a fundamental tool to guarantee the validity and security of legal communications. However, sometimes it may happen that the addressee does not receive the bureaufax due to his own negligence or refusal to accept it. In this article, we will explore the legal effects of a burofax not delivered due to the addressee’s fault and the implications this may have.
Legal effects of a burofax refused or not withdrawn from the office
When an addressee rejects or does not pick up a bureaufax from the corresponding office, it is considered as an effected notification. It is important to bear in mind that the addressee is responsible for not knowing the content of the refused or not withdrawn bureaufax. This means that, despite not having physically received the burofax, you will be considered legally notified.
The conclusion in the courts is clear: the addressee is notified when notice is left at his address and does not pick up the burofax from the post office. This implies that the addressee cannot claim ignorance of the content of the bureaufax as an excuse to avoid legal responsibilities.
It is important to note that the burofax is a legally recognized and accepted means of communication in the courts. Its main objective is to guarantee the validity and security of legal notices. Therefore, it is the recipient’s responsibility to be attentive to any communication that reaches him/her through this medium.
How many delivery attempts does a burofax have?
A bureaufax generally has two delivery attempts before it is considered undeliverable. This means that if the recipient is not present at the time of the first delivery, a second attempt will be made at another time. If delivery is unsuccessful, the bureaufax will be deposited for a period of time at the corresponding post office.
What happens if a burofax is not delivered?
If a burofax is not delivered, it may have legal consequences for the addressee. As mentioned above, it will be considered an executed notification, which means that the addressee will be responsible for any content or information included in the bureaufax, even if he/she has not received it physically. This may have significant legal implications, depending on the context and content of the bureaufax.
How much time do I have to pick up a burofax?
The time to pick up a bureaufax may vary depending on the policies of the corresponding office. However, a period of several days is generally established for collection. It is the responsibility of the addressee to be alert to any notice of the arrival of a bureaufax and to pick it up within the established deadline. If the addressee does not pick up the bureaufax within this period, it will be considered undelivered due to the addressee’s fault.
What is a refused burofax?
A refused bureaufax is one that the addressee refuses to accept or does not withdraw from the corresponding office. This can occur for various reasons, such as lack of interest, ignorance or refusal to face a legal situation. However, it is important to keep in mind that the rejection or non-withdrawal of a burofax does not exempt the addressee from his legal responsibilities.
In conclusion, a bureaufax not delivered due to the addressee’s fault, either by refusal or non-delivery from the corresponding office, has significant legal effects. Even if the addressee has not physically received the bureaufax, he/she will be considered legally notified and will be responsible for any content or information included therein. It is essential to be informed about the notifications validly made and to comply with the deadlines established for collecting a burofax.