We will provide an urgent electronic bureaufax service, (certified communication by e-mail and SMS), both with certification of time stamps, identities and contents, and with guaranteed privacy and protection of the information sent. We tell you more in this article.

La Comunidad de Madrid nos adjudica por envío urgente de burofax electrónico

The Community of Madrid has chosen our proposal when awarding the service of sending urgent electronic bureaufaxes for its courts and prosecutors’ offices.
The contract has a duration of two years, although it can be extended for a further two years in total, and 228,000 dispatches are expected per year.

Sending urgent electronic burofax

Person using SMSThe activity will include, as we said, the urgent sending of bureaufaxes in the form of an encrypted electronic message (via sms or certified e-mail), to all the national territory and with full guarantee of the integrity of its content.
In other words, the legal bodies will thus have the option of sending their reliable mailings in a telematic and highly automated way, which until now have been sent by post and manually from the current provider’s website.
The end user of this service, the Directorate General of Human Resources and Relations with the Administration of Justice of the Community of Madrid, will benefit from the immediacy of shipments and traceability, which can be verified through our CertySign tool. In addition, and in order to obtain higher deliverability rates, the system could even detect whether the first sending has been received correctly.
If not, it could be sent again and even articulate the exchange of channels between e-mail and SMS.
if the sending agency has both data available.
Through this service, critical and sensitive communications will be sent, by date and content, on summons and notifications from the courts, the specialized gender violence service and other jurisdictional bodies.
In total, 2,000 users from more than 400 courts will use it to send these communications.

With evidence and traceability

In addition, our system, channeled through our CertySign platform (self-developed), must collect evidence of the receipt of the message, the date on which this has occurred and the identity of the recipient or the person who has collected the notification, duly authorized and identified.
Thus, the service we will provide will transmit documentation by bureaufax, securely and immediately, with electronic delivery by e-mail or SMS.
And always with up to two delivery attempts and guaranteed privacy of the information sent.

Price, certification and functionalities

Secure e-mailThe following elements have played a role in the valuation:

  • Cost savings and immediacy compared to the postal channel.
  • Certification of the content: including additional information on certifications and certified copies with online access, which will indicate date and time of receipt and the identity of the person receiving it (name, surname(s) and NIF or document proving identity).
    In addition, the certificate will reproduce in full the text sent.
  • Accept / reject” option.
    We will implement this functionality so that the recipient can accept or reject the communication at the time of receipt, a decision that will be recorded and will be visible to the sender online.

“This new award by public administrations recognizes the advanced functionalities of our services, their versatility and their capabilities in terms of security and privacy of information, especially sensitive when it comes to judicial bodies.
Our technology, experience, certifications and recognition as a qualified provider of trusted electronic services, together with our professionals, have brought us this far and will allow us to continue the journey,” said Teresa Arandilla, Commercial Director of Legal Communications at MailComms Group.

If you want to know more about our electronic bureaufax services here we are.

Please, leave us your data in this form and we will contact you to explain it applied to your particular case.


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