The UN reformulated its former Millennium Development Goals (year 2000) to launch the Sustainable Development Goals (2015). The number of categories was increased from 8 to 17 and the target year was set at 2030. In short, the United Nations wanted to adapt the objectives to make them more effective at more levels, improve measurability and, most importantly, involve society as a whole. They are no longer aimed primarily at public policies, but also at organizations, companies and even ordinary citizens.
Our “Corporate Sustainability Plan”, which we pass on to our customers as sustainable suppliers, reflects contributions in 7 of the 17 SDGs and in 4 of the 5 “Ps” in which they are grouped. This is an ambitious plan that is also part of our corporate social responsibility strategy. The group seeks to contribute, through our activities, to achieving the SDGs proposed by the UN.

SDG 3. Health and wellness: our main objective is to help improve the lives of disadvantaged people living in vulnerable conditions, mainly in the area of children. We collaborate with corporate clients belonging to the NGO sector: Save The Children, Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, Children’s Villages and Unicef. Usually, at Christmas, we invest the Christmas gift budget in a donation to a specific program of the selected NGO. In addition, we ask for the involvement of our customers and employees to make a donation on their behalf. With these actions we have managed to do our bit for this important SDG, in such a way that we have helped a significant number of children, thanks to the projects launched with our Christmas campaigns.
SDG 7. Non-polluting sustainable energy: our digitalization strategies reduce the carbon footprint of transportation and, therefore, the use of fossil fuels that translate into polluting emissions. We have LED technology and presence sensors for energy savings in lighting. In our particular case, the reduction of our carbon footprint over the last decade is 60%. We rely on the independent report of Carbonquota, an organization specializing in corporate environmental sustainability, to measure, analyze and find areas for improvement in our greenhouse gas emissions levels. We are thus ahead of the obligation for companies to publish their emissions under the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law (LCCyTE), although the government has yet to inform which companies fall under this requirement.
SDG 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure: we develop our own applications under the criteria of maximum energy efficiency, for the management of omnichannel communications. In addition, we use non-polluting materials in the manufacturing processes of our customers’ products: biodegradable plastics and PVC, non-polluting, varnish-free and quick-drying inks…
SDG 13. Climate Action: we contribute to reducing the rate of carbon emissions and other polluting gases by reducing our carbon footprint and that of the customers we support in their digital transition.
SDG 14. Underwater life: we promote the decontamination of the seas by reducing the use of plastics and using biodegradable materials. Plastic waste, including microplastics, is one of the greatest threats to marine ecosystems.
SDG 15. Life in terrestrial ecosystems: we promote reforestation and sustainable forest management with the use of PEFC™ and FSC® paper. This implies compliance with environmental, social and labor criteria in accordance with the fundamental principles and rights at work of the ILO (International Labor Organization).
SDG 17. Alliances to achieve objectives: we form and enrich alliances with suppliers, customers and sustainable partners to share our experience and environmental practices with society in different areas.
Our contribution to these SDGs is directly related to our own environmental objectives, which are designed for practical implementation:
- Input: the less consumption derived from the mailing of our products, the better.
- Efficiency: reduce as much as possible the raw material lost or spoiled.
- Chain of custody: increase the percentage of PEFC and FSC certified paper.
- Minimization of packaging: reduce the amount of packaging placed on the market and use sustainable materials whenever possible.
- Pollutant emissions: reduce pollutant emissions into the atmosphere and calculate our carbon footprint.
- Polluting materials: continuous search for materials that are less harmful to the environment (plastics, inks, paper, technological components, fuels, etc.).