The CNMV has tightened the
regulations on the Periodic Public Information (PPI) that CCIs, including Fund Managers, must
that CCIs, including fund managers, must send to investors and unitholders.
The PPI should include, among other things, information on the market view and investments made, on voting rights policies and their exercise, and an explanation of the information on costs, profitability and risk measures that appears elsewhere in the periodic report.
As a result, the reports are becoming more complex, requiring a great effort on the part of the Fund Managers to prepare them while maintaining the same deadlines.
With our platform
platform, we take care of the entire process of this communication, providing you with the necessary services to comply with the regulations and deadlines of the CNMV. We automate the periodic communication, compose the template, layout and send the document to the participants within a few days.
In addition, your company can benefit from a substantial improvement in cost communication because you could take advantage of it to offer your customer the waiver to be communicated by postal mail in favor of being communicated by email, within the program Go Less Printingwhich has already been implemented by prestigious entities in their sector.
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Customer Comms
on the road to digital transformation of customer communications.