
Integrates all your certified communications and transactions with Salesforce



Build unique customer experiences with your Salesforce integrated communications and transactions

Salesforce integration: your certified communications in one place

With our native Certysign connector you will get the integration with Salesforce all your communications certified and with legal value.

Increase the performance and productivity of your business with Salesforce integration of all your communications.

Efficiently manage all your omnichannel and legal communications, in any of the Salesforce clouds for all your business needs. And combine the potential of the solutions at your disposal (Customer Agreement Management, Customer Communications Management and CRM) to offer a unique CX for your customer.

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Salesforce Integration

Unique Customer Experience (CX) with Salesforce integration of all your communications

CX is a crucial factor for the success of any company, and to optimize it, it is essential to have a unique view of the customer and to increase the value of each touch point.

With our Salesforce connector and the Salesforce integration capabilities it offers, you’ll drive your company’s growth through more accurate, effective and secure operational processes. In addition, you will have advanced customer management tools, real-time data analysis and task automation to make agile and informed decisions.

Ensure the validity and security of your legal communications with Salesforce

Certified notifications

Certified Notifications

Reliable communications through certified notification services, from Salesforce.


Electronic Contracting

Certified procurement solutions and electronic signature, from any channel and device.

Certified digital identification

Onboarding processes directly from Salesforce (with assisted and unassisted video identification) to minimize the risk of fraud in digital transactions.

Solutions for regulatory compliance

Solutions for regulatory compliance

Solutions for GDPR compliance or vertical solutions such as IDD, among others, integrated with Salesforce.

Omnichannel Services

Omnichannel services

Exceptional user experiences (physical, electronic and blended) with our Customer Communications Management (CCM) services integrated with Salesforce.

Salesforce integration options

Various Salesforce integration options

Wide range of solutions designed to efficiently manage and customize your business operations and improve customer experience.

Benefits of Salesforce integrations for building unique customer experiences

With CertySign’s integration of all your certified communications in Salesforce, your company will benefit from a complete and unified view of your customers and deliver personalized and relevant experiences.

  • Complete view of the customer and their interactions.
  • Improved customer experience.
  • Increased operational efficiency, centralized customer information.
  • Informed decision making and real-time data analysis.
  • Increased customer retention and loyalty.
  • Interdepartmental collaboration.
  • Adaptability and scalability.

These are the main advantages

  • Complete view of the customer and their interactions.
  • Improved customer experience.
  • Increased operational efficiency, centralized customer information.
  • Informed decision making and real-time data analysis.
  • Increased customer retention and loyalty.
  • Interdepartmental collaboration.
  • Adaptability and scalability.


Our integrated connector in the Salesforce platform offers a variety of functionalities to efficiently manage your business operations and improve the customer experience.

From sales management to customer service, automated marketing and data analysis, we provide you with the tools you need to take your business to the next level.

Get to know all the features of Certysign
  • Generate communications and transactions.
  • Send communications through physical and digital channels.
  • Know the status of each communication or transaction in real time.
  • Incorporate automatic actions depending on the status (forwarding, reminders…).
  • Schedule re-sends through different channels to improve success rate./li>
  • Trace all evidence of each communication.
  • To certify the whole process in an integral way.
  • Securely store all evidence.

We offer customizable security options according to your needs.

Talk to a specialist