Send a Certified Email quickly, securely and with real-time tracking

Certified Email

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Enviar email certificado

Send certified emails and save on time and costs

We present the ultimate solution for your communications with our certified email service. You will get the immediacy of the digital world together with legal validity, save costs and guarantee real-time monitoring.

Discover our certified email service

Thanks to our certified email platform, you will simplify your digital communication processes and have the peace of mind of knowing that your messages are protected and certified. We guarantee the legal validity and security of every certified email you send.

Send communications by email digital certificate

This solution offers you the possibility to send reliable communications via email and enjoy all the advantages of a 100% digital channel, such as immediacy of delivery, cost savings and real-time tracking.

Through our platform CertySign platform, you can custom design an email communication according to the level of reliability you need. Thus, you can establish processes to identify the sender and the recipient and certify the e-mail and its reception, acceptance and rejection, always with full traceability.

Our ability to manage multichannel communication processes allows our customers to choose the delivery channel and also the possible combinations between different channels. In this way, if after several attempts the user does not receive the email, we could automate a communication by certified SMS or by online burofax through the postal channel.

Send certified e-mail

Legal assurance from a qualified and trusted service provider

Certified emails sent through our platforms acquire probative value: we are a qualified provider of electronic trust services in the form of certified electronic delivery, according to eIDAS.

Features of the certified email service

Easy integration.

Within the systems managed by the company: ERP, CRM, ECM…

Multichannel delivery.

If the certified email is not received, a postal or sms can be automated.

Safe custody of evidence.

During the time required by the client or as established by law.


Both the communication process and the content, with time stamps.

Benefits of certifying an e-mail with Customer Comms

  • Time and cost savings.
  • Simplified preparation and distribution.
  • High levels of reliability.
  • Reduction of paper use and carbon footprint.
  • It respects the image and sender of the brand.
  • Increase open rates by personalizing the message.
  • It has a native Salesforce connector.

Do you want to switch to certified electronic notifications, by email, with full probative value?

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Frequently Asked Questions