Verify the identity of your users securely with our biometric authentication system.

Biometric authentication system

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Sistemas de verificación de identidad

Discover our facial recognition system

The biometrics-based solution for user identification combines the identity document with facial biometrics to uniquely link the real identity of the future customer with his digital identity. This process allows your company to initiate onboarding processes with total anti-fraud security.

Our system guarantees that the user is who he/she says he/she is and, therefore, minimizes the risk of fraud when accessing systems, performing economic transactions, contracting or canceling services or performing other common activities, nowadays, through digital channels. It also prevents security breaches related to critical and relevant information about individuals, and cases of identity theft in the digital world. In this way, identity verification brings both legal and economic security to your transactions.

This solution is easily integrated into the digital onboarding process, providing a seamless user experience. The person who undertakes it only needs to have an ID card or similar and a cell phone or computer camera to take a selfie with a movement as proof of life (smile or blink). Once successfully verified, onboarding proceeds.

Facial recognition identity verification system

Benefits of our facial recognition identity verification solution

Reliable customer identification

Minimization of the risk of fraud such as identity theft and account theft.

Immediate verification of identity

Use of advanced algorithms and AI that process and validate information in seconds.

Improved customer experience

Simple and guided process that avoids abandonment in onboarding processes.

Availability and accessibility

Multi-device service available at any time of any day of the year.


Savings in paper costs and those associated with face-to-face processes.


A solution that is easy to integrate with the systems of each company.

Our facial biometrics system is of interest to you for…

  • Perform digital onboarding processes of customers, with verified identity.
  • Detect possible identity fraud in your existing customer database.
  • To have control levels adaptable to the risk profile of the transactions.
  • Ensure compliance with regulations in sectors such as finance, banking, insurance, telecommunications or utilities among others (PSD2, SEPBLAC, PBC/FT, IDD…).
  • Implement auditable and certified processes, with custody of evidence.

How does our biometric facial recognition system work?

Capture of the identity document

The user takes a high quality photo of his ID card with the camera of his device (cell phone or computer).

Identity document verification

Verification of certain characteristics of the photographed document to verify its legitimacy.

Selfie with proof of life

The user takes a selfie with the device’s camera and adds a proof of life (smile or blink). The system verifies that the selfie matches the photo on the ID card.

Certification and custody

The tool generates an electronic certificate with the evidence collected during the identification process. In addition, it keeps the evidence in a secure digital environment for at least 5 years.

Computer vision algorithms

They look for matches between the image of the identity document and the different SDI formats issued by governments around the world.

AI-based analysis

Examination of the document from different perspectives to determine whether it is original or has been modified. Components such as printed biometric data, PDF418 barcode or MRZ code are evaluated.

Does your company need digital identity verification solutions?

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