Streamline the identification process of your customers in a secure way.
Digital ID on cell phones
Secure and fast identification with DNI Wallet
DNI Wallet is a secure and reliable digital identification and authentication solution. This app, intuitive and easy to use, incorporates the digital ID in the cell phone to use it with the same advantages as an electronic ID in front of private companies and public administrations, with guarantee, legal reliability and in a few seconds.
In addition, it works in “wallet” mode , allowing the user to take advantage of its robust security to store other documents such as NIE, passport, Social Security card, driver’s license and loyalty cards among others.
For the user, the DNI Wallet digital ID application generates an electronic copy of the document in the secure enclave of the cell phone in a simple way (through NFC technology), protected by biometrics and all the security measures of the cell phone. For your company, this solution guarantees that your customers or users are who they say they are, through the shared information and a series of additional checks that can even detect possible manipulations.
DNI Wallet digital ID card app features
DNI Wallet, the digital ID app, offers improved security guarantees through multiple validations and direct connection with the FNMT (Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre).
It allows several processes: identification and verification through electronic ID, signature of documents through ID certificates or third party certificates, accessing or operating with web applications in a secure and direct way, sending secure photocopies of the identity document.
It is integrated into the business processes of companies as a tool for identification and verification of access to digital systems, using the electronic ID platform to ensure security.
Participate in customized processes of certified communication, or other types of transactions tailored to the needs of each company, created through CertySign, our platform for electronic signature and certified communications.
Invite your customers to use DNI Wallet on their Android or iOS cell phone: QR code for invitation to download and use on a cell phone.
It can incorporate possibilities of certification and custody of evidence of transactions carried out thanks to this method of identification.
Benefits of the electronic ID app DNI Wallet
Avoid fraud related to identity theft.
Improve your customers’ experience.
Facilitates access to your digital business platforms.
Improved security: prevents unwanted access to physical and digital infrastructures.
It makes it easy to contract new products and services, request support, and access facilities and events.
It speeds up identification processes launched by companies such as, for example, hotel check-in or access to a restricted area.
How does our digital ID application work?
The user downloads the digital ID app on the cell phone.
Upload your official identification documents to your cell phone. It is an easy, secure and fast process through NFC technology.
The application validates the document optically and electronically.
The application connects in real time with the FNMT to check the status of the digital certificates associated with the DNI and the existence of possible reports of loss or theft.
Does your company need digital identity verification solutions?
Frequently asked questions about the digital ID service on cell phones
DNI Wallet, the digital ID app, is compatible with iOS (Apple) and Android smartphones.
The DNI Wallet digital ID application is designed in such a way that it guarantees the security and privacy of the data it handles.
In addition to the security measures deployed in its code, it adds those of the device itself, such as access protected by code and biometrics.
On the other hand, as regards the imported DNI, its security is completed with calls to the FNMT (Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre) and checks to determine that the document has not been tampered with or that there are no reports of theft.
DNI Wallet is available in the official iOS (Apple) and Android stores.
In this case, the user will follow the usual steps after losing his or her cell phone.
Access to the application is freely protected, as anyone who wants to open it will first have to unlock the device (with the code or the usual biometric measures) and then the application.
Please contact our specialized consultants to discuss your company’s needs, design a customized integration project and determine pricing.