Reduce time and costs by sending Certified SMS

Certified SMS

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Enviar SMS certificados

Send certified SMS in an effective, fast and reliable way.

With our solution you will be able to send certified notifications via SMS to the cell phone of your customers, suppliers or employees, taking advantage of the benefits offered by digital channels in terms of agility and operational efficiency.

Our certified SMS solution

MailComms certified messaging service provides you with a fast, secure and legally valid way to communicate with your customers, suppliers or employees. You will be able to send certified notifications instantly, guaranteeing the integrity and traceability of each message.

Send SMS with acknowledgement of receipt and increase delivery rates

This is an ideal option for sending immediate notifications certifying both the process and the content, among other aspects, with a high level of legal reliability.

To increase delivery rates, we combine different channels in our multichannel communication processes. This way, if the user does not read the certified message, we can complement it with our certified email service or online bureaufax.

Send sms with acknowledgement of receipt and certificate of receipt

Legal assurance from a qualified and trusted service provider

Our legal and certified SMS service offers an alternative channel for sending reliable communications with evidentiary value: by sending certified SMS through our solution, your company benefits from our recognition as a qualified provider of trusted electronic services in the form of certified electronic delivery, according to eIDAS.

Features of our certified SMS service

Simple integration.

With the company’s systems: ERP, CRM, ECM…

Possibility of multi-channel delivery.

Can be automatically combined with certified email or online bureaufax.


Certification of message delivery.

With full traceability on date and time of receipt.

Opening accreditation.

We certify that the links included in the certified SMS have been opened and viewed.

Safe custody of evidence.

Depending on the needs of each client or as established by law.

Benefits of sending certified SMS messages

  • Full legal validity.
  • High delivery levels.
  • Simplified preparation and distribution.
  • Reduction of paper and carbon footprint.
  • It has a native Salesforce connector.

Do you want to switch to certified electronic notifications, via SMS, with full probative value?

Contact a specialist

Frequently Asked Questions